Mobile Assisted Language Learning: A Literature Review – AJHSSR

Mobile Assisted Language Learning: A Literature Review

Mobile Assisted Language Learning: A Literature Review

Technology has become increasingly important in various fields, not the least of which is education. Students arrive in class already familiar with all types of technology and they use them daily especially mobile devices, which are always on the palm of their hands.Smart phones such as IPhones orAndroidshaveledthelearning environment towards mobilelearning.Mobileshave the advantage of expanding language learners’ exposure to the target language and allow more flexibility to both teachers and learners. They are popular in languagelearning in the sense of providing students with the opportunity to continue learning outside the classroom in an authentic environment. Research studiesexplored the effectiveness of mobile assisted language learning (MALL) in natural and informal learning environments (Mildren, 2010; Bahrani, 2011; Kurtz, 2012; Tagg, 2012; Xiao-Bin, 2013).Other studies investigated the use of mobiles in formal language classrooms as theydeliver instructional and pedagogical contents to language learners (Amer, 2014; Felicello, 2011; Rinehart, 2012; TabatabaeiandGoojani, 2012; AlemiandLari 2012). To explore the current state of research on MALL, this present paperreviews the past studies on the use of MALLin terms of research methods and findings. Thecurrentbody of literature includes twomain research approaches: content based MALL studies,and design-based MALL studies (Kukulska-Hulmeand Shield, 2008). But first, the following
section will explain MALL and how mobile devices operate for language learning