Abstract:The purpose of this research is to know the influence of role overload on burnout. The specificpurpose of the study is to know the ability of the personality type contingency factors to moderate the influenceof role overload on the burnout. The population of research is a registered tax consultant and works at the taxconsultant Office/CKP in Bali Province Dng sample method purposive sampling. The Data is compiled usingquestionnaires from previously modified researchers and is eligible for instrument validity and reliability test.Then, the accumulated data is emulated and carried out several tests and analyses, including: 1) classicassumption Test to ensure the eligibility of Best Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE), 2) Descriptive staticallyanalysis, 3) model feasibility test (test F), 4) Coefficient of determination (ADJ. R2) analysis, and 5) researchhypothesis Test (T-Test) for both partial and moderated influences. The study concluded that the role overloadsignificantly positively affects the burnout. Personality types have significant negative effects but are incapableof weakening the positive influence role overload on the burnout.
Keywords: role overload, personality type, burnout, contingency factor.