ABSTRACT : The diversity of tourist destinations in Indonesiais not onlynatural, historical, cultural andculinary, but religioustourismisalsodevelopingverywell in Indonesia. One of the provinces that hasmanyreligioustourist attractions is the province of East Java. Religioustourism in East Java whichisverypopular,namely the Gus Dur Tomb Area, has the highestnumber of religioustourismvisitors in East Java in 2018.Currently, the condition of facilities and infrastructure isvery good with the existence of the K.H. museum.HasyimAsh’ari, gardens, culinary stands. Withthesefacilities and infrastructure, thereis a shift in the motivationof visitorswho come there, whoused to go there for pilgrimages, but nowmanyvisitors come to Gus Dur’s TombArea to relax and to exercise. This studyintends to determine the characteristics and motivations of visitorswhocome to the Gus Dur Tomb Area sothatthisresearch can be a reference for future destination development.Thisstudy uses a qualitative descriptive methodwith a sample of 123 respondents. The researchfindings show thecharacteristics of thosewhovisit Gus Dur’stomb area, namely the youngergenerationwho have the motivation tovisit the Gus Dur’stomb area to relax, makepilgrimages and there are alsosomevisitorswho do research and studytours.
KEYWORDS: Characteristics, Motivation, Religious Tourism, Gus Dur’s Tomb Area