Multi-Stakeholders Coordination Practices in Public Services (Study on Child Age Civil Registration in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia – AJHSSR

Multi-Stakeholders Coordination Practices in Public Services (Study on Child Age Civil Registration in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia

Multi-Stakeholders Coordination Practices in Public Services (Study on Child Age Civil Registration in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia

ABSTRACT : This study highlights the need to actualize the multi-stakeholder coordination process in a child civil registration service. The idea of multi-stakeholder coordination in a public service arises from taking one of the essences of the concept of collaborative governance. This research uses a quality approach with the locus located in Bandar Lampung City. Coordination-based public services were initiated by the Bandar Lampung Population and Civil Registration Service as an innovation in an effort to optimize civil registration for children. The results of this study show that coordinating public service has succeeded in having a good impact on the ownership of population administration at the age of the child.

KEYWORDS -Public Service, Coordination, Civil Registration, Children