ABSTRACT: Where there is mass media there ideology, because it the film Hijab into a picture of the problemin women who have a career. Why not be allowed a career by her husband. Is it merely to continue to cultivatewingking or even capitalist value. The type of research used in this study is a qualitative approach with a criticalparadigm and using Roland Barthes semiotics research method. The text of the media into its analytical unitother than that of all languages is not only a word but also a form of expression of communication form ofLinguistic Messages, iconic messed messages and unclassified iconic messages. In the film Hijab is thenexpressed women considered as you are weak, career women who has myth caused by: culture, system,household relationships. Filmmaker Hanung, no longer wants to konco wingking is lost in the image of awoman, Hanung Arabs make as a suspect in marginalizing women. Moreover, with the above-mentionedcapitalist circumstances, the filmmaker wants to market a local brand made with his wife in the film,meccanism.
Keywords – Mythology, Film, Semiotic, Career Woman, Ideology