NEW VISIONS OF RACE: Foregrounding African American Dramaturgy – AJHSSR

NEW VISIONS OF RACE: Foregrounding African American Dramaturgy

NEW VISIONS OF RACE: Foregrounding African American Dramaturgy

ABSTRACT : This paper aims at examining the evolution of race relationship in the United States ofAmerica, as is perceived in the plays under consideration. The paper is aimed at showing the relationshipbetween ethnicity and nation building, mindful of the fact that race, ethnicity and identity are concepts thathave been disconcerting the American society for a long time. Using African American criticism, andpsychoanalytic criticism, the paper portrays that ethnic groups are not stereotypes, but are dynamic andprogressive, and that there is no quintessential ethnic group. African Americans have realized that whiteracists intentionally practice segregation so as to relegate them to the periphery. By so doing, they (whites) willalways control the American economy. Through this realization, most African Americans do not allow race tobecome an issue to them, but have decided to concentrate on how to rebuild their self-worth and self-esteem, tobecome economically feasible in the United States of America. Consequently, the playwrights of the playsunder study have proven that African American cultural heritage is part and parcel of the American culture,and its value cannot be underestimated. The paper therefore reveals how through constant conflicts and theconsequences of such conflicts on the socio-economic and political atmosphere of the country, both whites andblacks are coming to realize that it is not the colour of a person that counts, but the integral values the personpossesses.