Nomenclature And the Power of Language in The Kom Economy: A Circumspection of Ritual and Proverbial Expressions in A GRASSFIELD Tradition in Cameroon – AJHSSR

Nomenclature And the Power of Language in The Kom Economy: A Circumspection of Ritual and Proverbial Expressions in A GRASSFIELD Tradition in Cameroon

Nomenclature And the Power of Language in The Kom Economy: A Circumspection of Ritual and Proverbial Expressions in A GRASSFIELD Tradition in Cameroon

ABSTRACT :This paper sets out to appreciate the use of African names in general and the power in symbolismof Kom names in particular. These names do not only carry meaning and context but transmit messages. Theyindeed show how language has power and symbolism. The names are not only an identity, a means ofcommunication, but a carrier of culture. This paper will in a way partially answer a question such as what is in aname and how does it influence the economy. Data collection was done through two methods: Interview andobservation. The theory used here for analysis is J. L. Austins‟s Speech Act theory.

KEY WORDS: Speech Acts, Nomenclature, Conventionality, Fondom, Ritual, Grassfield.