On the Basis of Love: A Critical Analysis – AJHSSR

On the Basis of Love: A Critical Analysis

On the Basis of Love: A Critical Analysis

ABSTRACT: Love is the foundation of all humankind. However, absurdity comes from drastic and selfcentered affection and conceited willthat caused man’s downfall and destruction.Manis indeed the sole victim of his own will. The so-called love caused both life and death in man’s existence. This paperexplored the nature of love, notion of courtship, extremities of cult, hyper nationalist and the other notions of love to affirm the present condition whereabsurdity begins. In this inquiry, the assumption on subjective love is found dangerous as evil. The analysisof this inquiry boiled down in the conclusion that people suffer due to their selfishness concealed in love which made it absurd. It is not the love that is harmful, but the will that is severe, aberrant and depraved.
KEYWORD: absurdity,evil, love, self,will.