ABSTRACT : This study aims to understand the nature and implications of symbiotic man in Joël de Rosnay. According to this futurist, the man of tomorrow will only be a symbiotic man , that is to say a hybrid man who shares his biophysical heritage with technological equipment. Inspired by Darwinian evolutionism and technological convergence, he believes that man in his current configuration has an approximate biophysical potential and that only his fusion with the machine could guarantee him optimal development. This man whose biophysical aspect wants to be mechanized, Joël de Rosnay calls for him, going so far as to establish him as a paradigm. However, is such a man who stands out for his hybridity with the machine not rather a non-human whose promotion would be accompanied by an attack on the generic and ontological heritage of the human? This is the nagging question that will be the subject of our study, in the light of an analytical -critical approach.
KEYWORDS: Cyborg, evolutionism, human nature, humanism, Symbiotic man