Optimization of Drama Learning Model based On ‘Dongkrek’ Traditional Theater – AJHSSR

Optimization of Drama Learning Model based On ‘Dongkrek’ Traditional Theater

Optimization of Drama Learning Model based On ‘Dongkrek’ Traditional Theater

ABSTRACT: ‘Dongkrek‟ is a type of art originating from Madiun, East Java. This art has been a distinctive culture of Indonesian society for a long time. In relation to language and literature learning activities, this art can be used as a reference for developing drama learning. Specifically, purposes of this study are to describe and explain how the optimization of drama learning process model based on the traditional theater “dongkrek”. The qualitative descriptive method is considered suitable for finding answers to the problems in this study. Students majoring in language and literature at PGRI Madiun University were selected as subjects as well as respondents in this study with data collection time which was carried out in stages. Based on the studies that have been done, the results obtained are the suitability of learning drama with the art of “dongkrek”. Overall, the optimization process is carried out by combining drama learning with elements in the art of ‘dongkrek’
KEYWORDS : learning model, drama, traditional theatre, dongkrek