Organizational and social impact of Artificial Intelligence – AJHSSR

Organizational and social impact of Artificial Intelligence

Organizational and social impact of Artificial Intelligence

ABSTRACT: Modern information technologies and the advent of machines powered by artificial intelligence (AI) have already strongly influenced the world of work in the 21st century. Computers, algorithms and software simplify everyday tasks, and it is impossible to imagine how most of our life could be managed without them. However, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) has its own advantages and disadvantages. With the recent boom in big data and the continuous need for innovation, Artificial Intelligence is carving out a bigger place in our society. Through its computer-based capabilities, it brings new possibilities to tackle many issues within organizations. It also raises new challenges about its use and limits. Over the past few years, developments in artificial intelligence (AI) have captured the imagination of tens of millions of people around the world. Both the sophistication and the societal impact of intelligent technologies are set to increase substantially in the coming years and decades, as are the associated policy challenges. This includes how
government agencies protect consumers and citizens from unethical, unsafe or unsound use of AI systems employed in critical contexts such as health, finance, or employment by companies or individuals. Some of the impacts of AI on organizations include: power shifts; reassignment of decision making responsibility; cost reduction and enhanced service; and personnel shifts and downsizing as some jobs are done Robots. This paper aims to provide a better understanding of the organizational and social impact of Artificial Intelligence in the
organizational decision making process. Unemployment is not the same as leisure, and there are deep links between unemployment and unhappiness, self-doubt, and isolation understanding what policies and norms can break these links could significantly improve the median quality of life. Empirical and theoretical research on AI came up with discussions and findings that with time the negative perceptions will be addressed.
KEYWORDS: Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms, Decision making, Robots, Technologies.