ABSTRACT: Right from the ancient age man has been struggling for existence and further as an extension,quality of life. Scores of philosophical and psychological interpretations of life and its vagaries are availablebased on either religious sentiments or non-religious outlook. However not all stand to our expectations nor arecompetent enough to solve common man‟s problems. Social security and comfort are the main aims of life butthen the challenges of life begin from those quarters only. Intellects have been striving hard to provide aworkable or usable philosophy so that humanity as a whole shall have to combat at minimal level only.Much of the unhappiness is caused due to our failure in grasping the shades of the existing reality. Textualmatter filled with rhetorical hyperbole for establishing one‟s own religious faith is one of the major hindrancesfor any progress. Commonly it is the gullible mind which is easily carried away or trapped because of theabsence of education with understanding. It is sad that many philosophies are rarely referred to because theircanvas is covered with more of the academic discipline. Much owing to this their practical utility isquestionable. It is an undisputable fact that many philosophies are hardly profitable for living or meeting thechallenges thrown at us differently everytime. The fundamental reason for this situation is nothing other than thelack of rational thinking. Unfortunately it has been much in vogue that the knowledge based on rational thinkingor empiricism is always against the religions. Most of the times ignorant people rejoice by equipping self withfaulty and fancy ideas or trusting the words in print, which easily hack the minds giving lasting hopes. There isso much faith in the superstitions and ritualism that Truth when presented with scientific backing is openlydisdained. This paper attempts to present the genuine philosophical outlooks which are enduring to the best oftheir capacity to guide the humanity or rather save it from illusions and deception.
KEYWORDS: Happiness, Social Security, Empiricism and Philosophical outlooks.