ABSTRACT : Philosophy is the science of seeking truth. The truth that is sought from each person is different.the truth as to what is being sought is not always the same and not always different. When something is good foroneself, then we will say it is true, that is also the truth that is believed. However, every truth needs to be true,not only by oneself, but also by others in general. Truth must be representative or must represent. Therefore, thetruth needs to be tested and proven through research. The research was conducted using the scientific method.The scientific method is a way to facilitate and focus on proving the truth. So there is a relationship betweenphilosophy as a seeker of truth with scientific research methods to prove the truth. So that the truth can berecognized by everyone, becoming a science that can be adopted or adapted. Science is owned to add insight inorder to improve one’s intellectual. So that people do not just say, but there are basics or foundations inacknowledging or justifying any opinion. The truth that is proven representatively, that is the truth that hasbecome science, which can be accepted by everyone, after going through a research
KEYWORDS: philosophy; method; scientific