Plato’s Theory of Knowledge and Its Implication on Africa’s Quest for Emancipation – AJHSSR

Plato’s Theory of Knowledge and Its Implication on Africa’s Quest for Emancipation

Plato’s Theory of Knowledge and Its Implication on Africa’s Quest for Emancipation

ABSTRACT: Emancipation of oneself is the most important aspect in the journey towards self- realization ofman. After almost half a century with most African states attaining independence, Africa still continues to sufferthe problems of ignorance, bad roads, poor infrastructure, poor or no hospital facilities, food insecurity, war andterror, political instability among others. Though some of these have been attributed to effects of colonization,neo- colonization and Western influence, however, I am inclined to think that Africans have a solution to theirdeeply seated problems. This article attempts to analyze Plato’s theory of knowledge in his allegory of the cave.It further analyzes each step in the allegory and their implications and relevance in Africa in the 21st century.The purpose is to show that Africans can emancipate themselves from ignorance that is bedeviling most of thenations. The recommendations are that the liberated Africans must climb down the cave and help the rest to getliberated; knowledge should focus on problem solving and the educations systems in Africa should be goaloriented. Overally, this paper provides a framework upon which emancipation from ignorance can best beachieved in the African Education systems in the 21st Century.

KEY WORDS: Colonization, Emancipation, Autonomy and Holistic