Problems of Collective Working Agreement (CLA) Between Two Unions and Company Management PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk Bogasari Division Surabaya – AJHSSR

Problems of Collective Working Agreement (CLA) Between Two Unions and Company Management PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk Bogasari Division Surabaya

Problems of Collective Working Agreement (CLA) Between Two Unions and Company Management PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk Bogasari Division Surabaya

ABSTRACT: This research has the title Collective Labor Agreement (CLA) Between Two Labor Unions andthe Management of Pt Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk Bogasari Surabaya Division. Based on the title, twoproblems will arise, namely what problems arise during the implementation of the Collective Labor Agreement(PKB) between the Labor Union Leaders of the Cigarette Tobacco Work Unit Food and Beverage AllIndonesian Workers Union PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk the Bogasari Division and the Indonesian MuslimLabor Union PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk the Bogasari division with the Management of PT IndofoodSukses Makmur Tbk the Bogasari Surabaya division. How are the efforts to resolve according to the ManpowerLaw carried out by management on problems and obstacles during the implementation of the Collective LaborAgreement.The research method used to analyze is used. The approach method used is empirical juridical,namely by conducting reciprocal research between law and non-doctrinal institutions that are empirical inexamining the legal rules that apply in society. Based on the research method as mentioned in the previousparagraph, it can be concluded that the following discussion is a collective labor agreement that has been madebetween the company and the workers’ representatives delegated to the trade union as a result of a compromisebetween the owner of the company and the workers, considering that even if the CLA is signed by each worker,it will experience difficulties and or obstacles. That efforts to resolve according to labor law carried out bymanagement on problems and obstacles during the implementation of the collective work agreement, are carriedout in line with the CLA as contained in the dispute resolution articles, prioritizing preventive and zero conflictresolution because the CLA has been agreed. is automatically accepted by both parties.

Keywords: Collective labor agreement; indofoot success and prosperity; labor union