Product Quality influence, Word Of Mouth and Internet Marketing toward Purchasing Decisions (Study on Consumer Karakter Coffee Shop in Denpasar) – AJHSSR

Product Quality influence, Word Of Mouth and Internet Marketing toward Purchasing Decisions (Study on Consumer Karakter Coffee Shop in Denpasar)

Product Quality influence, Word Of Mouth and Internet Marketing toward Purchasing Decisions (Study on Consumer Karakter Coffee Shop in Denpasar)

ABSTRACT: Purchasing decisions are the actions of consumers to decide on a desired product through Several stages. The company markets its products, one of the which is by using the Internet media. The purpose of this study is to discuss the effect of product quality, word of mouth, and internet marketing on purchasingdecisions (a study of Consumers character of coffee shops in the city of Denpasar). This research wasconducted by distributing questionnaires. The number of samples in this study were 70 respondents residing inthe city of Denpasar, the which were determined using non-probability sampling methods and purposivesampling techniques. Respondents from this study were respondents who had already purchased products at theCoffee Coffee bar. The analysis technique used in this study is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis.

KEYWORDS: Product quality, Word Of Mouth, Internet Marketing. Buying decisions.