Progressiveness Of The Magister Study Program Of Fine Art Education In The Industry 4.0 Revolution Era – AJHSSR

Progressiveness Of The Magister Study Program Of Fine Art Education In The Industry 4.0 Revolution Era

Progressiveness Of The Magister Study Program Of Fine Art Education In The Industry 4.0 Revolution Era

ABSTRACT : Research background is the concern about how to obtain better management for art education regarding to the fact that it still struggles at Industry 3.0 level. Institutions for fine art education mostly deliver the teaching in classical way, which is textbook based or reyling on demonstrative technique. In the other hand, lecturers still inform techniques, principles and substances of art teachings in a way that forces students to learn it manually. Therefore, current scholars assume that such art education is stagnant and incapable to serve market‟s demand for skilled workers. This assumption was discussed by the coordinator organization for Indonesian postgraduate study programs, FORPIMPAS (Forum Pimpinan Pascasarjana) in Parapat, Medan, on September 26-29, 2019, which was attended by higher education institutions for teachings (LPTK) throughout Indonesia. The Forum expects that the discussion will touch the mind of policy makers. Type of this research is a documentative descriptive review. The data include papers, books, articles, and minutes of FORPIMPAS‟s intensive discussion. Result of analysis is summarized as follows. Art education can realize its progressive action when it (1) does curriculum transformation, (2) has a capability to adapt with social problems, and (3) has a capability of management at proper effectiveness, flexibility and quality.
KEYWORDS: higher education, fine art, and industry 4.0 revolution