Promoting Chastity in Marriage through Marital Counseling In The Light Of Amoris Lætitia – AJHSSR

Promoting Chastity in Marriage through Marital Counseling In The Light Of Amoris Lætitia

Promoting Chastity in Marriage through Marital Counseling In The Light Of Amoris Lætitia

Marriage is a gift from God and it is intended to perfect the well-being of the couples and the good of the society. This important institution which is crucial for human survival is under threat due to challenges such as extreme individualism, domestic violence, infidelity, divorces and anti-life programs. The current reality of marriage as a community of life and love which involves mutual self-giving of the man and the woman has called for discussion on how to promote chastity in marriage through marital counseling. The Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Lætitia, by Pope Francis is timely since “it represents an invitation to Christian families to value the gift of marriage and to persevere in a love strengthened by the virtues of generosity, commitment, fidelity and patience.”1 Pope Francis believes that “we cannot encourage the path of fidelity and mutual selfgiving without encouraging the growth, strengthening and deepening of conjugal and family love. Indeed, the grace of the sacrament of marriage is intended before all else to perfect the couples love”2 whereas the contrary is to a good extend always the case. One of the causes of this infidelity is erosion of Christian values. Couples in many marriages do not experience the love and purity they desire. The Pope therefore, calls for fidelity between husband and wife during marriage. Therefore this work will endeavour to make recourse to Pope Francis in promoting chastity in marriage through marital counseling