ABSTRACT: The prime aim of the study isto provide a model plan for marketing library services in privateuniversity libraries in Bangladesh. The present paper also conducted based on the two research questions i.e.what are the prospects of library marketing of private university libraries in Bangladesh? and what are thechallenges towards library marketing faced by university libraries in Bangladesh? The study used a standardizedquestionnaire to collect data, consisting of both open-ended and close-ended questions. Total numbers of samplelibraries were fifteen (all are private university libraries) and out of fifteen all of the fifteen responses werereceived from the head of the library of respective private university libraries. The study identified somechallenges during library marketing and services like; lack of library infrastructure, absence of suitablequalifiedstaff, and non-appearance of decision-making skills amongst the staff, financial constraints and many others.Finally, the study provides some recommendations for improvement of library marketing among universitylibraries in Bangladesh.
KEYWORDS:Private university library, Marketing strategies, Library marketing, Library services,Bangladesh.