Protection Law Our Rice as Product Potency Indication Geographical Origin in the District Konawe – AJHSSR

Protection Law Our Rice as Product Potency Indication Geographical Origin in the District Konawe

Protection Law Our Rice as Product Potency Indication Geographical Origin in the District Konawe

ABSTRACT: This study Research this pray for know and analyze form protection law rice We as productindication origin in the District Konaw. Study writer use method study juridical empirical . Approach juridical (law seen as norm or das sollen ), Approach empirical ( law as reality social , cultural or das sein), because instudy this used primary data obtained from field . Research results showing that : First Form Protection LawRice Konawe As Product Indication Geographical Origin in the District Konawe , Protection Law IndicationGeographical to our rice in the district Konawe not yet materialized optimally . this _ caused among other thingsbecause lack of information and outreach to Public about registration Indication Geographical , as well slowgovernment in do management of the registration process and conditions about Indication Geographical inIndonesia that is felt still not enough clear . Start active Government Regency Konawe in push growthprotection Indication Geographical to rice pulutmandoti nor products _ _ potentially Indication Geographicalothers in the District _ Konawe .

Keywords :Protection Law , Our Rice , Konawe.