Psychosocial Integration of Raped Mothers Survivors and Children Born from Rape during 1994 Genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda. A Case of SEVOTA Associations Initiatives – AJHSSR

Psychosocial Integration of Raped Mothers Survivors and Children Born from Rape during 1994 Genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda. A Case of SEVOTA Associations Initiatives

Psychosocial Integration of Raped Mothers Survivors and Children Born from Rape during 1994 Genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda. A Case of SEVOTA Associations Initiatives

ABSTRACT: This research was about Psychosocial Integration of Raped Mothers Survivors and Children Born from Rape during 1994 Genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda. A Case of SEVOTA Associations Initiatives. The research assessed the current status of psychosocial integration of raped or sexually violated mothers survivors and children born of rape during 1994 genocide against Tutsi; the role played by SEVOTA Associations in the process of psychosocial integration; the challenges and mechanisms/ perspectives for effective psychosocial integration. The research used a mix of quantitative and qualitative approaches. From 218 partners having at least one child born of genocidal rape, the research applied Slovin’s formula and used a sample of 71- where 39 were mothers survivors and 32 were husbands- responded to the questionnaire designed in form of four- level Likert scale. The questionnaire was reliable at 75% and it was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 23. Non-numerical data was collected through unstructured interviews; 2 focus group discussions composed of 12 children born of rape per group; and personnel observation.

KEY WORDS: children; genocide; genocidal survivors; mothers; rape; psychosocial integration.