ABSTRACT: The study was sought to determine the reading level of Grade II Pupils scaffolding for readingprogram of Eastern Schools in Botolan District. A reading program was devised to Grade II pupils to enhancetheir reading ability. Descriptive research design and quantitative in its analysis was employed by the researcher.The reading level of Grade II pupils in terms of word recognition/ oral reading, silent reading comprehension,listening comprehension is frustration. The difficulties in reading level in terms of silent reading comprehension,listening comprehension was described as difficult. The proposed reading program on reading ability of Grade IIpupils addresses the identified frustration level on oral reading, silent reading comprehension, listeningcomprehension, and their difficulties. The evaluation of the reading program by the teachers in terms of contentand usefulness was of strongly agree. The Grade II pupils may encourage and motivate to develop a readinghabit in school and at home. The Grade II pupils may be exposed to varied techniques, strategies, exercises inexecuting reading activities for them to be able to achieve the highest level of reading according to standards setby Department of Education. The teacher may provide additional reading materials like books, magazines,encyclopaedias or short story books to improve their reading level in oral reading and comprehension. TheReading Skills Enhancement Program (RSEP) may be proposed to the Department of Education, Division ofZambales for implementation in the Eastern Schools of Botolan, Philippines.
Keywords- Reading Level, Grade II Pupils, Scaffolding, Eastern Schools