Recognizing The Mangongkal Holi Tradition Ceremony of The Toba Batak Tribe As A Khazah of Local Wisdom: A Semiotic Study – AJHSSR

Recognizing The Mangongkal Holi Tradition Ceremony of The Toba Batak Tribe As A Khazah of Local Wisdom: A Semiotic Study

Recognizing The Mangongkal Holi Tradition Ceremony of The Toba Batak Tribe As A Khazah of Local Wisdom: A Semiotic Study

ABSTRACT: This article aims to explain the implementation of the Mangongkal Holi ceremony tradition. the focus of this research analyses the semiotic meaning of Roland Barthes which includes the meaning of myth in the tradition of the Mengongkal Holi ceremony. This research uses a descriptive method. The object of this research is impressions at the mangongkal holi ceremony and then collect data using interview guidelines and documents. The data that has been obtained is then analysed using the stages of data reduction, data display drawing conclusions, and verifying the data. The results of this research and discussion illustrate that there are myths in the implementation of mangongkal holi both during the initial implementation, namely martonggo raja (preparing for the implementation of mangongkal holi) to the closing of the laying of bones to a new place called batu na pir (hard stone). Suggestions for the reading public hopefully this article can be taken from the positive side of the implementation of the mangongka holi tradition
KEYWORDS: Semiotics, mangongkal holi, local knowledge