Reconciliation as a Process and a tools for Sustainable Development and Peace Building – AJHSSR

Reconciliation as a Process and a tools for Sustainable Development and Peace Building

Reconciliation as a Process and a tools for Sustainable Development and Peace Building

ABSTRACT: Conflict is a phenomenon that lives with man. It is inevitable as long as man coexists within a society. But, when there is conflict, there must be a way out of the ensued conflict which is usually the subject matter of peacebuilding as a post conflict activities and process that encourages the establishment of durable peace that tries to prevent the reoccurrence of conflict by dealing with the root causes of the conflict and the effects of such conflict through reconciliation, conciliation, institutional and eco-political transformation or peace rebuilding process. It is the position of this paper that reconciliation be seen as a sustainable tool for an effective peacebuilding. The paper analyzed conflicts and components of reconciliation and conciliation as a sustainable tools for peacebuilding and as a robust techniques for all-inclusive peacebuilding process which should be taken seriously if we really have to reduce the rates of conflicting situations in our societies.
KEYWORDS: conflicts, peacebuilding, reconciliation, society.