Reflection and Debate on Human Life with Universal Principles, Ethics and Deontology, in the Digital Society (from Theory to Practice) – AJHSSR

Reflection and Debate on Human Life with Universal Principles, Ethics and Deontology, in the Digital Society (from Theory to Practice)

Reflection and Debate on Human Life with Universal Principles, Ethics and Deontology, in the Digital Society (from Theory to Practice)

ABSTRACT :We do not intend to deal exhaustively with this theme, because it is broad and complex for the space of a text, and we do not even know if we can deal with it without incurring in generalizations. Our intentions, which are much more modest, refer to documentary research for the understanding and development of Universal Ethics and Deontology and some of its multiple relationships. The Digital Society poses great challenges to the World (Global) Human Society, among others, the debate on the definition and implementation of a universal code of ethics and deontology (from theory to practice), because the human being is part of a whole, which we call the universe, in time and space. The terms ethics and universal deontology are approached from the discussion about the collective responsibility of citizens. This implies a reflection and debate on the collective (universal) principles, values, norms and rules of the Digital Society, since all citizens of the world have responsibilities (duties and rights), regardless of their nationality, religious belief, profession, (politicians, military, scientists, etc.). Universal principles, values, norms and rules are crucial for the social and economic well-being of the world’s humanity. Ethics and deontology are a form of conduct, which makes people respect each other, and guarantee human rights and dignity, for the sustainability of world society, regardless of the material and technological resources of the Digital Society.

KEYWORDS: Principles, Ethics, Deontology, Human Life, Human Dignity, Digital Society.