Reflection on Human Intelligence vs Artificial Intelligence and the Digital Society (from Theory to Practice) – AJHSSR

Reflection on Human Intelligence vs Artificial Intelligence and the Digital Society (from Theory to Practice)

Reflection on Human Intelligence vs Artificial Intelligence and the Digital Society (from Theory to Practice)

ABSTRACT:We do not pretend to deal exhaustively with this topic, because it is broad and complex for the space of a text, and we do not even know if we can deal with it without incurring in generalizations. Our intentions, which are much more modest, refer to documentary research for the understanding and development of Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence and some of their multiple relationships. This article aims to make a comparison between Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence so that it is possible to understand the main aspects in which Human Intelligence differs from Artificial Intelligence, since the latter originates in computing and how it can be inserted in the individual and organizational processes of the digital society. In addition, it seeks to highlight the great advances and potential risks of this technology, just like any other, it can provoke in the “actors” involved in its production, use, legislation (norms and rules in its use) and create a space for discussion.

KEYWORDS: Human Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence; Intelligent Agents, Information, Disinformation, Digital Society.