Relationship between Learning Motivation and Learning Disciplinein High School Students during the Pandemic COVID-19 – AJHSSR

Relationship between Learning Motivation and Learning Disciplinein High School Students during the Pandemic COVID-19

Relationship between Learning Motivation and Learning Disciplinein High School Students during the Pandemic COVID-19

ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine: (1) the relationship between learning motivation and learning discipline in SMAPangudiLuhur St. Louis IX Sedayu during the pandemic COVID-19,and (2) proposed a topic of classical guidance based on low scores on learning motivation and learning discipline items. This type of research is quantitative research with the correlation method. The subjects in this study were 68 students of grades 10 and 11 at SMA Pangudi Luhur St. Louis IX Sedayu who is 16-18 years old according to the age criteria of adolescent development. The two instruments used are the learning discipline scale and the learning motivation scale. The scale used is the Likert scale. Data analysis techniques used the JASP program version for Windows.

KEYWORDS : Learning Motivation, Learning Discipline, Covid-19 Pandemic