Relationship between personality traits and recidivism among inmates of the Nigerian correctional service, Enugu custodial centre – AJHSSR

Relationship between personality traits and recidivism among inmates of the Nigerian correctional service, Enugu custodial centre

Relationship between personality traits and recidivism among inmates of the Nigerian correctional service, Enugu custodial centre

ABSTRACT:Background: Personality isa major factor in shaping behaviours, such as criminal behaviour.Previous studies have shown that low levels of Agreeableness and conscientiousness were associated withantisocial behaviour, criminality and recidivism.Objectives:The studyaimed to determine the relationship between the Big Five Personality Traits and criminalrecidivism.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of 112 inmates of the Nigerian Correctional Service, EnuguCustodial Centre (ECC) incarcerated for various offences. Recidivism was assessed through a self-reportedfrequency of incarceration. The 60-item NEO-Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) assessed personality traits,measuring Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism and Openness to Experiencedimensions.Results: The frequency of recidivism among inmates of ECC was 22.3%. Repeat offenders had significantlylower levels of conscientiousness than first offenders (U = 774, P = 0.02, N =112).Conclusion: Personality traits of offenders may be assessed routinely as part of the Risks and NeedsAssessment (RNA) tool for Correctional Services since it could help predict future criminal recidivism. It mayalso help plan treatment modalities that enhance inmates’ reformation, rehabilitation and reintegration into thecommunity upon discharge.

KEYWORDS:Personality; Traits; Recidivism; Corrections