ABSTRACT: Music education is a field of study associated with the teaching and learning of music. Musicteachers should apply appropriate pedagogical approaches that best suit specific level outcomes. Over the years,practitioners and educationists have noted a decline in teacher trainees’ performance in music at primary teachereducation level. There is little indication on whether the use of music-based pedagogical approaches relate to theteacher trainees’ performance in music examination in teacher training colleges. The current study is promptedby the need for pedagogical approaches that would help in raising efficiency in teaching music. The purpose ofthis study therefore is to establish the relationship between the use of Kodaly approach and teacher trainees’performance in music examination in Nandi County, Kenya. The study adopted quasi experimental researchdesign and was conducted in Nandi County, Kenya. Selected experimental group was exposed to the Kodalyapproach while control group continued with the traditional approaches used by the tutors. Purposive and censussampling was used to draw participating tutors teaching music and teacher trainees studying music in year two.A sample of 3 tutors teaching music and 167 teacher trainees studying music in year two participated in thestudy. Data was collected and generated through questionnaires, interviews and pre-test and post-test. Thisserved as an opportunity to check and triangulate the observation data. Findings indicated that the use of Kodalyapproach relates to the teacher trainees’ performance in music examination and has beneficial effects on teachertrainees’ learning outcomes which include cognitive and non-cognitive skills. Improvements on melodic andrhythmic elements were apparent. The study also found out that the Kodaly approach tested in this study is aneffective tool to aid in the teacher trainees’ music performance. The findings will sensitize the policy makersand educational planners plan for relevant, efficient and effective music pedagogical approaches. The findingswill also help music teachers adopt music pedagogical approaches that will gear towards equipping teachertrainees’ with musicianship skills.
KEY WORDS: Kodaly approach, music education, music pedagogy, Primary teacher education