Relationship of Citizens’ Engagement and Political Corruption to Government Effectiveness: An Empirical Analysis – AJHSSR

Relationship of Citizens’ Engagement and Political Corruption to Government Effectiveness: An Empirical Analysis

Relationship of Citizens’ Engagement and Political Corruption to Government Effectiveness: An Empirical Analysis

ABSTRACT : This study explores the relationship between citizens‟ engagement and political corruption togovernment effectiveness. World Bank defines government effectiveness as the reflection of the quality ofpublic services, the quality of civil service and the degree of its independence from political pressures, thequality of policy formulation and implementation as well as the credibility of government commitments to suchpolicies (World Bank, 2017). Thus, this paper will provide a comprehensive study in defining the term“Government Effectiveness”. There are several factors that influences the level of government effectiveness butthis paper will focus on political corruption and citizens‟ engagement through civil society participation,political party ban, freedom of academic and cultural expression and media censorship. In order to establish therelationship association of the given variables this study utilized the correlational research design. Specifically,it examined the relationship of citizen‟s engagement and political corruption to government effectiveness. Withthese variables this paper will provide a precise research on better understanding of measuring governmenteffectiveness.

KEYWORDS: Political corruption, citizens, engagement, government effectiveness, civil society, politicalparty