Resolving Human Psychological Problems through Select Philosophical Isms – AJHSSR

Resolving Human Psychological Problems through Select Philosophical Isms

Resolving Human Psychological Problems through Select Philosophical Isms

ABSTRACT:Centuries have rolled down yet certain recognized human psychological problems have beenposing same challenges.The major problems could be owing to more than a dozen factors influencing the humanpsyche directly or indirectly. Most of them usually exist in the dormant state and that is why they go eitherunnoticed or get deliberately dismissed as not worth paying any heed. The major handicap seems to be firmlyrooted in not acknowledging the presence or possibility of such problems. It is very commonly considered as astigma in the society where only an idealized human personality as a whole is adored and expected. On thephysical plane the reality automatically surfaces and therefore no one can deny or question it. The society alsocategorises all such variations. To the contrary on the mental plane only clinically proved personalities whichare deranged are looked upon as misfits and a very few workable remedies are proposed. This paper attempts tobring forth the other possible shades of human personality and subsequently their limitations. One of thepossible rays of hope is suggested through philosophical ‘Isms’, first to understand human personality in thisperspective and then taking on the necessary and workable philosophical approaches.