Revenue Factors, Service Quality and Location Affect Consumer Purchasing Decisions In Mediating Prices and Product Dealers Products Toyota PT. Hadji Kalla – AJHSSR

Revenue Factors, Service Quality and Location Affect Consumer Purchasing Decisions In Mediating Prices and Product Dealers Products Toyota PT. Hadji Kalla

Revenue Factors, Service Quality and Location Affect Consumer Purchasing Decisions In Mediating Prices and Product Dealers Products Toyota PT. Hadji Kalla

ABSTRACT: This research aims to explain and analyze the influence of revenue, service quality and location oncustomer purchase decisions in mediating prices and products to bridge the gap. The population in this study isthe buyer / consumer of ToyotaDealers Vehicle PT. Hadji Kalla in South Sulawesi Province which is located in5 regencies / cities, including Makassar, Maros, Pangkep, Barru and Pare-Pare which amounted to 8,030 buyers/ consumers. The sample used in this study, which is 200 respondents, using the technique of probabilitysampling or multistage random sampling or cluster sampling determination based on the division of a region /region in a multilevel manner. The analytical technique used for hypothesis testing is Amos structural equationmodeling (SEM). significant impact on the product. The results showed that income had a significant effect onprices. The quality of service has a significant effect on price. Location has a significant effect on price.Revenue has a significant impact on the product. The quality of service has a significant impact on the product.Location has a significant effect on the product. Revenue has a significant effect on consumer purchasingdecisions. Quality of service has no significant effect on consumer purchasing decisions. Location has nosignificant effect on consumer purchasing decisions. Price has a significant effect on consumer purchasingdecisions and products have no significant effect on consumer purchasing decisions.

Keywords: Revenue, Quality of Service, Location, Price, Products and Consumer Purchasing Decisions