Role of job satisfaction in mediating the effect of organizational communication on employee performance – AJHSSR

Role of job satisfaction in mediating the effect of organizational communication on employee performance

Role of job satisfaction in mediating the effect of organizational communication on employee performance

ABSTRACT: Employee performance is the work result in quality and quantity that can be achieved byemployees in carrying out their assigned tasks according to their responsibilities. Employee performance is themost valuable organizational asset because employees are responsible for improving customer satisfaction andcompany quality. This research was conducted at the Yans House Hotel Kuta Bali. The purpose of this studywas to explain the effect of organizational communication on employee performance, explain the effect of jobsatisfaction on employee performance, explain the effect of organizational communication on job satisfaction,and explain the role of job satisfaction in mediating organizational communication on employee performance.The number of samples taken was 54 employees, with the method used was saturated samples. Data collectionobtained from the results of distributing questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is path analysis. Theresults of this study indicate that organizational communication has a positive and significant effect onemployee performance. Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.Organizational communication has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction. Jobsatisfaction positively and significantly mediates the influence of organizational communication on employeeperformance.

Keywords – job satisfaction, organizational communication and employee performance..