Role of Work Climate Mediate the Effect of Career Growth on Non-Permanent Employee’s Job Satisfaction (Empirical Study At 5-Stars Hotel In Bali, Indonesia) – AJHSSR

Role of Work Climate Mediate the Effect of Career Growth on Non-Permanent Employee’s Job Satisfaction (Empirical Study At 5-Stars Hotel In Bali, Indonesia)

Role of Work Climate Mediate the Effect of Career Growth on Non-Permanent Employee’s Job Satisfaction (Empirical Study At 5-Stars Hotel In Bali, Indonesia)

ABSTRACT : Human resources have an important role in the company such as planning, organizing, managing and controlling every job satisfaction activity plays an important role in a company. If the work climate and career growth are in line with expectations, employees will be satisfied. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of work climate mediation in the influence of career growth on temporary employee job satisfaction at five star hotel in Bali, Indonesia. The sample in the study was 55 respondents. The data analysis techniques used in this study were path analysis and Sobel test. The results show, career growth has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction, career growth has a positive and significant effect on the work climate, the work climate has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction, career growth has an indirect effect on job satisfaction through work climate.
KEYWORDS: Career Growth, Job Satisfaction, Work Climate