Role of Work Intensity on Employee Job Satisfaction Mediated by Emotional Exhaustion (Case Study at Prama Hotel Sanur Beach Bali, Indonesia) – AJHSSR

Role of Work Intensity on Employee Job Satisfaction Mediated by Emotional Exhaustion (Case Study at Prama Hotel Sanur Beach Bali, Indonesia)

Role of Work Intensity on Employee Job Satisfaction Mediated by Emotional Exhaustion (Case Study at Prama Hotel Sanur Beach Bali, Indonesia)

ABSTRACT : This research was conducted at the Prama Hotel Sanur Beach Bali. The sample used in this studywas 75 respondent, with a proportional random sampling method. Data collection was carried out throughinterviews and questionnaires. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis techniques and inferentialanalysis. Based on the results, it was found that work intensity has a significant positive effect on emotionalexhaustion; Work intensity has a significant negative effect on Job Satisfaction; Emotional exhaustion has asignificant negative effect on Job Satisfaction and Emotional exhaustion mediates significantly the effect ofwork intensity on employee job satisfaction. Companies are advised to add extra hours to deadline so employeecan complete their task at the optimal quality and on-time

Keywords: work intensity, emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction