Abstract : The abandonment of metaphysicsis the definitive conclusion of the respective criticisms of GottlobFrege, Bertrand Russell and Ludwig Wittgenstein on this discipline whichtheyconsiderunfit for the constructionof the world, because of the confusion and endlesscontroversiesaroused by itsproposalsthat aretotallydisconnectedfromempiricalfacts, even as the implementation of the logical and mathematicalmethod,already in force in the scientificactivities of the Vienna Circle, Would have helpedit to overcomethisfailure.Influenced by this verdict, whichdescribesmetaphysics as obsolete and senselessknowledge, Rudolf Carnap,methodicallyarmedwith a logical and mathematicalanalysis of language, goesdirectlyfrom the abandonment ofmetaphysics to itsdeath, in accordance with the diktat of a declamatoryscientismthatparadoxicallyconstitutes thereligion and oxygen of the VienneseCircle. But the careful expertise of Carnap’sapproach and argumentshighlightstheirweaknesses, and establishes the immortality and the specific and necessaryrole of metaphysics inanyproject of the construction of the world by man and for Man.
KEYWORDS : Logical and mathématicalanalysis, Criticism, Language, Metaphysics, Death, Science