Samir Amin: A Neo-Marxist Thinker in Search of a Socialist Alternative – AJHSSR

Samir Amin: A Neo-Marxist Thinker in Search of a Socialist Alternative

Samir Amin: A Neo-Marxist Thinker in Search of a Socialist Alternative

ABSTRACT: Marxist philosophy as well as ideology, dissatisfied with the existing world order, proposes an alternative world order based on dialectics in that it critiques the existing world order as inadequate, fraught with contradictions and illegitimate and in its place, it seeks to propose an alternative world order, favoring emancipation against exploitation through structural/revolutionary changes. Samir Amin, a neo-Marxist scholar and activist, proposes such as a world order. Taking a cue from world system analysis, he finds global capitalism as a system responsible for the underdevelopment of the Global South. For the development of the underdeveloped south, he sought to connect development with planning. He liked the Bandung Model of Third World development but later became critical of the Third World bourgeoisie who, according to him, preferred to imitate the Western model of development. Practically speaking, he found the Chinese Model of development attractive and suitable for Third World countries. However, he found the US world order contradictory but suggested an alternative world order and seeks to chalk out a list of programs including global social movement for realizing such a socialist world order.
Key Words: Capitalism, Hegemony, Marxism, Socialism, World Order, etc.