School Leadership Practices Towards Enhanced Classroom Management, School Environment, and Academic Performance of Students – AJHSSR

School Leadership Practices Towards Enhanced Classroom Management, School Environment, and Academic Performance of Students

School Leadership Practices Towards Enhanced Classroom Management, School Environment, and Academic Performance of Students

ABSTRACT: Student learning isinfluenced by school leadership, classroom management, andinstructionaldelivery. To positively impact studentlearning, teachersrequire initial andongoingprofessionaldevelopment. The school administration must create an environmentthat inspires teachers toenhancetheirteachingmethods and empowersstudents to improvetheiracademicachievement. This studywantstoevaluate the relationshipbetweenprincipals’ and teachers’ perceived impact of school leadership. Thestudyuseddistributed leadership theory. This studyused descriptive research. Principals’ school leadershipstrategiescorrelatedpositivelywiththeirperceived impact on creating a pleasantschoolclimate. There wasalso amoderate positive linkbetweenthe reported implications forclassroom management and studentacademicperformance. However, instructors’ school leadership techniques correlatedhighlywiththeirreported impact onimprovingclassroom management and studentacademic performance. Their leadership techniques had amoderatelybeneficialeffect on creating a positive schoolatmosphere. A proposed training program wasdesignedto help develop and enhance the leadership skillsof administrators and teachers in improving classroommanagement, school climate, and academic performance.

KEYWORDS :School leadership practices, classroom management, school environment, academicperformance, descriptive research, Schools Division of Zambales