School Organizational Climate of Public Elementary Schools In Bulan District – AJHSSR

School Organizational Climate of Public Elementary Schools In Bulan District

School Organizational Climate of Public Elementary Schools In Bulan District

ABSTRACT:This study aims to determine the school organizational climate of public elementary schools inBulan District, SY. 2022-2023. The perceptions of parents, teachers and school heads and the level of opennesson school organizational climate in terms of Collegial Leadership, the school head-teacher relationship;Professional Teacher Behavior, the relationship of teacher-teacher interactions; Achievement Press, therelationship between the school and pupils; and Institutional Vulnerability, the school and community relations,were identified. Furthermore, the study sought to identify if there is a significant difference among therespondents‘ perceptions. More so, the study determined the experiences of the respondents on the schoolorganizational climate along the identified variables. The study used the mixed method of qualitative andquantitative research design. Survey and unstructured interview were utilized in gathering the necessary data. 15parents, 15 teachers and 15 school heads were involved in this study from 15 schools in Bulan III District. Theresearcher adopted Hoy‘s OCI (Organizational Climate Index) questionnaire as the main instrument in gatheringthe quantitative data. Weighted mean, standards scores and F-test or one way ANOVA were used as statisticaltools to analyze the data. Thematic analysis was utilized to analyze the qualitative data. The study revealed apositive school organizational climate where indicators of Collegial Leadership, Professional Teacher Behavior,and Achievement Press occur ―Very Frequently‖, and indicators of Institutional Vulnerability occur―Sometimes‖. The computed overall level of openness of Bulan III District was 655.13 with the verbalinterpretation of ―Very High‖. Moreover, results showed a significant difference on the perceptions of parents,teachers, and school heads in terms of Collegial Leadership. PROJECT SOURCE (School OrganizationsUnlocking Relations and Climate Enhancement) was proposed to be implemented for the improvement of theschool organizational climate of the respondent-schools.

KEYWORDS :Achievement Press, Collegial Leadership, Institutional Vulnerability, openness, perceptions,Philippines, Professional Teacher Behavior, relationship, School Organizational Climate, Sorsogon