Separation of Meaning Concept “Sleep” In Javanese Language: A Study of Lexical Semantics – AJHSSR

Separation of Meaning Concept “Sleep” In Javanese Language: A Study of Lexical Semantics

Separation of Meaning Concept “Sleep” In Javanese Language: A Study of Lexical Semantics

ABSTRACT: Javanese is one of the languages of communication in Javanese society. Over time, the Javanese language experienced changes in meaning with various accompanying contexts. Therefore, the Javanese language more or less requires elaboration of meanings so that there is no overlap. This study focuses on the study of the field of meaning by analyzing the lexeme “Sleeping” in the Javanese Suroboyoan language. This study seeks to find out what characters and kinds of meaning fields are contained in the lexeme. By utilizing the theory of meaning component analysis, this study also attempted to classify components that are still interconnected and look for significant differences. This study has two objectives, namely (1) to describe the modification of the meaning field of sleep in Javanese Suroboyoan and (2) to describe the similarities and differences in the modification of the meaning field of sleep in Javanese Suroboyoan. This type of research is included in qualitative descriptive research. The method of providing data in this research is reading-notes (read-marking) obtained from the literature review and questionnaires from informants as complementary data (crosscheck findings). The data analysis method used in this research is the meaning component analysis. The results of this study are expected to be able to find more or less differences in the “Sleeping” lexeme in Javanese Suroboyoan from various components, so that it can be classified in detail.

KEYWORDS – Componential analysis, Javanese language, meaning field, lexical semantics