Sex as a War Tool – AJHSSR

Sex as a War Tool

Sex as a War Tool

ABSTRACT : Sex has long been recognized as a weapon of war in many shapes as rape, forced prostitution, sexual slavery, and forced marriage which are used to terrorize and control populations in times of conflict. Why has sex been used as a weapon of war in conflict zones, and what are the impacts on the survivors? This paper examines the prevalence and impact of the use of sex as a tool during war, including the physical, psychological, and social consequences for survivors. Additionally, this study explores the factors that contribute to the use of sex as a tool of war, such as gender inequality, political factors, cultural norms, and military structures. To gather in-depth information and understanding of the experiences and perspectives of those affected by this issue, this study employs a qualitative methodology, including examples and analysis of them. The findings must highlight the urgent need for increased awareness, prevention, and response to sexual violence in conflict, including comprehensive support and services for survivors. The study concludes with a call to action for policymakers, civil society, and the international community to prioritize the prevention and response to sexual violence in conflict, and to hold perpetrators accountable for their crimes.

KEYWORDS : Sexual Violence – Rape – War – Conflict – Sexual Assault – Gender – Power Dynamics