Social Conflicts in the Novel of Leila S. Chudori – AJHSSR

Social Conflicts in the Novel of Leila S. Chudori

Social Conflicts in the Novel of Leila S. Chudori

ABSTRACT: Literature work is a reflection of society life. One of the literature works is novels. A novel aims to provide benefits to the readers through its ideas. This study aimed to describe social conflicts in the novel of Leila S. Chudori. This study was a qualitative research using the descriptive qualitative method and content analysis. The data source was from the novel of Leila S. Chudori. Based on the study, the social conflicts in the novel of Leila S. Chudori were classified into three forms, namely conflictsof individual and individual, individual and group, as well as group and group. The social conflicts in this novel were in the form of: (1) dispute, (2) rejection, (3) discrimination and (4) various physical violence. The factors causing the social conflicts were differences of opinions, interests, and class status.
KEYWORDS: Leila S. Chudori, Novel, Social Conflict