ABSTRACT: Contraceptive uptake is low in Nigeria despite high fertility rate. The study examined sociodemographic characteristics, children ever born (CEB) and contraceptive use among women of childbearingage in Southwest Nigeria. A total number of one thousand one hundred and eighty-seven (1,187)womenofchildbearing ages (15-49) years were sampled from Southwest States in Nigeria using multi-stagesampling procedure. Questionnaire method was used to elicit information from the respondents. Data analysiswas done with the use of statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS). Frequency distribution was used todescribe socio-demographic features of the respondents while chi-square test and binary logistic regressionwere used at the bivariate and multivariate levels of analysis. Socio-demographic characteristics such aseducation, employment, place of residence, age, children desired and children ever born (CEB) weresignificantly related to contraceptive use among women of childbearing age in Southwest Nigeria. The studyrecommends that government and relevant stake holders should embark on intensive and extensive awarenesscampaign on sex and health education with a view to modifying the behavior of women towards acceptablecontraceptive practices in Southwest. Government should provide adequate health facilities with qualifiedhealth worker to provide family planning services and advice in rural areas. Finally, itis also recommended thatinfrastructural facilities should be provided to the citizens as well as monetary allowance to elderly people
KEYWORDS:CEB, Childbearing, Contraceptive, Social-demographic Characteristic