ABSTRACT: Several developing countries including Tanzania has stepped out to address maternal and child health and improving health outcomes among people. Introduction of Family planning services is one of the interventions introduced in Tanzania since 1959, yet there is low utilization of Family planning. Sociodemographic characteristics are one of the factors influencing male involvement in family planning utilization. Efforts are needed to enable men to play a more active role in reproductive decisions. This study aimed at establishing the socio-demographic factors influencing male involvement in utilization of Family planning methods in Chato District, Geita Tanzania. Descriptive cross sectional study design was employed involving a sample of 496 men aged 19 years and above residing in Chato district. Multistage sampling technique was used to select the eligible men. Data were collected using questionnaire with both closed and open-ended questions. The proportion of men using FP was found to be 17.5%, which suggest that, there is low male involvement in utilization of Family planning methods in Chato District due to many factors. The most consequential sociodemographic factors influencing male involvement in utilization of family planning methods revealed to be men’s approval (OR =4.221, 95%CI =1.147-15.539, p=0.030). The likelihood of using family planning methods is 4 times more when there is approval of a men. The findings suggest that integrating men into existing family planning services improves FP use and its sustainability. It is important to note that, men’s approval and moral support is crucial to contraceptive uptake for ensuring well-being of women and children in Tanzania.
KEY WORDS: Family planning methods, Socio-demographic factors, Male involvement