ABSTRACT : This research deals with the discussion of rule of law, judicial power, and monitoring of judgeethics. In general, it aims to analyze the relationship between the rule of law, judicial power, and the ethicalsupervision of judges. The problems analyzed are First, how is the judicial power in a rule of law. Second, whatis the ideal Oversight model for the Judicial Commission. The research method used a normative legal researchapproach, with a focus on the study of legal norms by collecting secondary data and the nature of this researchwas prescriptive and the data analysis was descriptive qualitative. The research result shows that the power ofthe judiciary in a rule of law is one of the characteristics that exist in every democratic state system. Judicialpower must be manifested in an independent power. The presence of the Judicial Commission is a necessity in arule of law as part of checks and balances on judicial power. Its presence strengthens the rule of law. The formof supervision of the Judicial Commission must be able to be integrated both in the context of the internalstructure of the institution, coordination and careful planning and involving stakeholders in society.
KEYWORDS: rule of law, judge ethics, judiciary, judicial commission