ABSTRACT : The Covid-19 pandemic, resulting from the new genetic variant of the Coronavirus family,SARS-CoV 2 has (already) caused thousands of millions of loss of human lives and enormous damage to theworld economy, which has triggered the alarms of world organizations such as the WHO which has declaredtourism activity “unsafe”. This is precisely the challenge that this new context of the pandemic imposes ontourism activity: security. In such circumstances, mutual support and collaboration between the actors in thisindustry are elements that must be taken into account. The present research aims at carrying out a bibliometricstudy to check to what extent the previous premise is taken into consideration by the scientific community. Thisstudy was carried out during 2020 and the first semester of 2021. Scientific databases such as Dimensions andScienceDirect were used to search for information. The study was divided quantitatively and qualitatively.Statistical methods and software such as Excel 2016 and EndNote X9 were used for data processing andVOSviewer for results mapping.
KEYWORDS: Bibliometry;Covid-19; collabroation; SARS-CoV 2; touristic activity.