Strategy to Build National Branding through the Power of StoryBrand(Introducing the Pinisi Ship and Indonesia Hospitality at the 2023 ASEAN Summit) – AJHSSR

Strategy to Build National Branding through the Power of StoryBrand(Introducing the Pinisi Ship and Indonesia Hospitality at the 2023 ASEAN Summit)

Strategy to Build National Branding through the Power of StoryBrand(Introducing the Pinisi Ship and Indonesia Hospitality at the 2023 ASEAN Summit)

ABSTRACT: The events of the ASEAN Summit in May 2023 in Labuan Bajo received warm attention and praise from allHeads of State who took part in the event. Print media from various countries recorded this event as a rareGolden Moment with a different atmosphere presented by the Indonesian Nation as the Host, namely workingand being able to relieve fatigue on board the Phinisi Ship. The Asean Summit will certainly focus on the needfor cooperation in the fields of politics, law, security, economy and tourism. National Branding was indirectlyappointed by Jokowi as the Host, Indonesia. The Pinisi Ship is an asset of the Nation which has become localwisdom, that the ancestors of the Indonesian Nation were seafarers. Currently, the Phinisi ship has been declareda Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity on December 7, 2017 by UNESCO. NationalBranding is a superior tool for building the image of the country, publicity and at the same time promotion froman economic, tourism & other cooperation perspective. Jokowi chose Storybrand to realize the goal of Brandingthe Indonesian Nation as a Nation that has high dignity in ASEAN and the World. StoryBrand is an act ofhospitality, conveying messages politely to the audience in a persuasive manner, through stories (telling) we canmake people pay attention and listen. Storytelling is a great weapon to attract the listener’s attention, so that themessage can be conveyed without any noise (interference). This research method uses a qualitative approachand the type of research is descriptive. This study aims to describe the National Branding Building Strategythrough the Power of StoryBrand by introducing the cultural heritage of Indonesian Hospitality and Pinisi Shipsduring the May 2023 ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo. Methods of data collection using library research andfield work research by conducting direct interviews with informants. The informant in question is a member ofthe success team for the 2023 ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo.

Keywords: National Branding, StoryBrand, Indonesia Hospitality, Pinisi Ship, ASEAN Summit