Students’ Perceptions on Dwelling Condition of University of Dhaka: A Case Study on Shaheed Sergeant ZahurulHaque Hall – AJHSSR

Students’ Perceptions on Dwelling Condition of University of Dhaka: A Case Study on Shaheed Sergeant ZahurulHaque Hall

Students’ Perceptions on Dwelling Condition of University of Dhaka: A Case Study on Shaheed Sergeant ZahurulHaque Hall

ABSTRACT: The students are the main asset of University of Dhaka, and the most precious one indeed. It willnot be exaggerating to state that most of the students in Bangladesh dream to havethe honor to be one students ofUniversity of Dhaka. Pupils from all over the country are selected on merit basis and are admitted accordinglyinto various faculties. It is said to be the largest public university in Bangladesh, with a student body of almost33,000 and a faculty of 1,800. One of the many responsibilities of the University is to accommodate the dwellingof its students, especially for those who do not have residents in Dhaka. Residential halls for both male andfemale students serve this purpose. Presently there are 20 halls and 3 specialized hostels where 15 halls and 2hostels for male and 5 halls and 1 hostel for female students situated around the university premises. Theestablishment of these residential halls is not a single phenomenon; the dwelling conditions of those halls andproper maintenance of its system are also included with it. The study will basically revolve around illustratingthese issues of living condition of residential halls ofUniversity of Dhaka, in the light of one selected hall- is ahistorically build residential hall for male students, named Shaheed Sergeant ZahurulHaque Hall. The primeconcern of the study is to explore and analyze through a typical hall-life-experience of students of University ofDhaka.



Dwelling Condition

Political Interventions

Authority Monitorin