Teacher’s Perception about Language Learning Based Linguistic Intelligence – AJHSSR

Teacher’s Perception about Language Learning Based Linguistic Intelligence

Teacher’s Perception about Language Learning Based Linguistic Intelligence

ABSTRACT : Language is the main communication medium used by everyone. Language learning throughout the world is of particular concern to policy makers, one of which is in Indonesia. The main focus of language learning lies in the field of linguistic studies, namely phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. To get good learning outcomes, all four aspects must be possessed by students. Internal factors that measure the success of language learning are linguistic intelligence, one of multiple intelligences. The purpose of this study is to build teachers’ deep understanding of language learning based on linguistic intelligence. Qualitative methods are considered capable of answering the problems in this study. The result, in this study shows that the way teachers understand linguistic intelligence-based learning is based on the level of education they have and the individual approach to barriers to developing the learning process.
Keywords: Learning Process; Language; Linguistic Intelligence