The Aesthetic Forms of Postdramatic Theatre Work “Under the Volcano” Directed By Yusril – AJHSSR

The Aesthetic Forms of Postdramatic Theatre Work “Under the Volcano” Directed By Yusril

The Aesthetic Forms of Postdramatic Theatre Work “Under the Volcano” Directed By Yusril

ABSTRACT: This study discusses the aesthetic forms of postdramatic theatre work “Under the Volcano”,
directed by Yusril. The aesthetic forms of postdramatic theatre introduced by Hans-Thies Lehmann through his
book Postdramatic Theatre, which was later translated into English by Karen Jurs-Munby offers a system of
work through text, space, time, body and media. These five work systems, in the theatrical work “Under the
Volcano”, are built in the form of collages, which are based on artistic composition through the power of
narrative texts, the movement of actors in vertical and horizontal space, non-linear time, bodies centered on the
power of silat and Ulu Ambek, media elements embodied through artistic elements (set, property, lighting,
makeup, and costumes), and musical elements. Text, space, time, body and media elements are reflected in
every scene of the theatre work “Under the Volcano.”
KEYWORDS: Theatre, Under the Volcano, Yusril, Aesthetic Form, Postdramatic